

Verdrag inzake de internationale inning van levensonderhoud voor kinderen en andere familieleden

Partijen met voorbehouden, verklaringen en bezwaren

Partij Voorbehoud / verklaring Bezwaren
Albanië Ja Nee
Belarus Ja Nee
Brazilië Ja Nee
EU (Europese Unie) Ja Nee
Kazachstan Ja Nee
Montenegro Ja Nee
Noorwegen Ja Nee
Oekraïne Ja Nee
Turkije Ja Nee
Verenigd Koninkrijk Ja Nee
Verenigde Staten van Amerika Ja Nee



The Republic of Albania declares, in accordance with Article 2 (3) the right to stipulate, recognize and enforce maintenance obligations, arising from a spousal relationship to the same extent as obligations relating to child maintenance, according to Chapter II and III of the Convention.
The Republic of Albania declares, in accordance with Article 2 (3) of the Convention, the right to enforce maintenance obligations even for adult children up to age of twenty-five years, provided that they attend the high school or university, according to Article 197 of the Family Code.
The Republic of Albania declares, in accordance with Article 63 of the Convention that the applications for the recognition and enforcement of a maintenance arrangement are made by the Central Authority.



In accordance with Article 2(2) оf the Convention, the Republic of Belarus will аррlу the Convention to maintenance obligations arising from а parent-child relationship towards а person under the age of 18 years.
In accordance with Article З0(8) of the Convention, the Republic of Belarus rеsеrvеs the right not to recognise and enforce а maintenance arrangement.
In accordance with Article 44(З) of the Convention, the Republic of Belarus does not use the French language in аnу other communications between thе Сеntrаl Аuthorities.
With regard to applications for recognition and еnfоrсemеnt of decisions the Republic of Belarus will аpplу the procedure fоr the recognition and enforcement of decisions, set out in Article 24 of the Convention.



Reservation to Article 20(1)(e):
Brazil does not recognize or enforce a decision in which an agreement to the jurisdiction has been reached in writing by the parties when the litigation involves obligations to provide maintenance for children or for individuals considered incapacitated adults and elderly persons,categories defined by the Brazilian legislation and which will be specified in accordance with Article 57.
Reservation to Article 30(8):
Brazil does not recognize or enforce a maintenance arrangement containing provisions regarding minors, incapacitated adults and elderly persons, categories defined by the Brazilian legislation and which will be specified in accordance with Article 57 of the Convention.
Declaration regarding Article 2(3):
Brazil extends the application of the whole of the Convention, subject to reservations, to obligations to provide maintenance arising from collateral kinship, direct kinship, marriage or affinity, including, in particular, obligations in respect of vulnerable persons.

EU (Europese Unie)


European Union declarations at the time of the approval of the Hague Convention of 23 November 2007 on the international recovery of child support and other forms of family maintenance (the "Convention") in accordance with article 63 thereof

A. Declaration referred to in article 59(3) of the Convention concerning the competence of the European Union over the matters governed by the Convention
1. The European Union declares that it exercises competence over all the matters governed by the Convention. The Member States shall be bound by the Convention by virtue of its approval by the European Union.
2. The Members of the European Union are the Kingdom of Belgium, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Estonia, Ireland, the Hellenic Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, the Republic of Croatia, the Italian Republic, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Poland, the Portuguese Republic, Romania, the Republic of Slovenia, the Slovak Republic, the Republic of Finland, the Kingdom of Sweden and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
3. However, this declaration does not apply to the Kingdom of Denmark, in accordance with Articles 1 and 2 of Protocol (No 22) on the position of Denmark, annexed to the Treaty on European Union and to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
4. This declaration is not applicable to territories of the Member States to which the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union does not apply (see Article 355 of that Treaty) and is without prejudice to such acts or positions as may be adopted pursuant to the Convention by the Member States concerned on behalf of and in the interests of those territories.
5. The application of the Convention in cooperation between Central Authorities will be the responsibility of the Central Authorities of each individual Member State of the European Union. Accordingly, whenever a Central Authority of a Contracting State needs to contact a Central Authority of a Member State of the European Union it should contact the Central Authority concerned directly. The Member States of the European Union, if they deem it appropriate, will also attend all the Special Commissions likely to be tasked with following up the application of the Convention.
B. Declaration referred to in article 2(3) of the Convention
The European Union declares that it will extend the application of Chapters II and III of the Convention to spousal support.

European Union reservation at the time of the approval of the Hague Convention of 23 November 2007 on the international recovery of child support and other forms of family maintenance (the "Convention") in accordance with article 62 thereof

The European Union makes the following reservation provided for in Article 44(3) of the Convention:
The Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Hellenic Republic, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, Hungary, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia, the Slovak Republic, the Kingdom of Sweden and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland object to the use of French in communications between Central Authorities. The French Republic and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg object to the use of English in communications between Central Authorities.

European Union declarations at the time of the approval of the Hague Convention of 23 November 2007 on the international recovery of child support and other forms of family maintenance (the "Convention") in accordance with article 63 thereof

1. declarations referred to in article 11(1)(g) of the Convention
The European Union declares that, in the Member States listed below, an application other than an application under Article 10(1)(a) and (2)(a) of the Convention shall include the information or documents specified for each of the listed Member States:
The Kingdom of Belgium:
– For applications under Article 10(1)(e) and (f) and (2)(b) and (c), the complete text of the decision or the decisions in certified copy or copies.
The Czech Republic:
– The power of attorney granted to the Central Authority by the applicant pursuant to Article 42.
The Federal Republic of Germany:
– The creditor's nationality, profession or occupation and, where appropriate, his legal representative's name and address.
– The debtor's nationality, profession or occupation, inasmuch as they are known to the creditor.
– In the case of an application by a public law service provider asserting transferred-right maintenance claims, the name and contact data of the person whose claim has been transferred.
– In the case of indexation of an enforceable claim, the method of calculating the indexation and, in the event of an obligation to pay legal interest, the legal interest rate and the starting date for the mandatory interest.
The Kingdom of Spain:
– The creditor's nationality
– The debtor's nationality
– The identity number (identity card or passport) of both the creditor and the debtor.
The French Republic:
Applications referred to in Article 10(1)(e) and (f) and 2(b) and (c) shall be accompanied by the maintenance decision of which the modification is sought.
The Republic of Croatia:
I. Application under Article 10(1)(b)
1. An application for enforcement of a decision made or recognised in the Republic of Croatia as the requested State must contain:
– details of the court that issued the decision and the date on which the decision was issued,
– details of the creditor's bank account (account number, name of bank, IBAN).
2. If the applicant is a minor, the application must be signed by his or her legal representative.
An application for the enforcement of a decision made or recognised in the Republic of Croatia as the requested State must be accompanied by the following documents:
– the original of the writ of execution or original court decision, or a certified copy of the court decision with an attestation of its enforceability,
– a detailed list of arrears claimed,
– in cases where indexation applies to an enforceable application, the method of calculating the indexation and, where there is an obligation to pay legal interest, an indication of the legal interest rate and the starting date for the monthly interest,
– details of the bank account to which the amounts awarded should be transferred,
– an official translation into Croatian, by a sworn translator, of all documents,
– the power of attorney granted to the Central Authority by the applicant in accordance with Article 42 of the Convention.
II. Applications under Article 10(1)(c) and (d)
1. An application for the establishment of a decision in the Republic of Croatia as the requested State must contain:
– an indication of the monthly amount of maintenance claimed,
– an indication of the period for which maintenance is sought,
– information on the personal and social status of the applicant (the child and the parent with whom the child lives),
– information on the personal and social status of the debtor – the parent with whom the child does not live, the number of persons already receiving maintenance from the debtor, if the information is available to the applicant.
2. The application must be signed personally by the applicant or, if the applicant is a minor, by his or her legal representative.
An application for the establishment of a decision in the Republic of Croatia as the requested State must be accompanied by the following documents:
– documents evidencing the parent-child relationship; the marital or partnership status of the applicant and of the debtor; the child's birth certificate, if parentage is to be established as a preliminary question,
– the certificate of dissolution of the marriage,
– the decision by the competent body on caring for the child or decision on custody of the child,
– the document on the basis of which the indexation of the amount of maintenance is calculated (if provided for in the requesting State),
– an official translation into Croatian, by a sworn translator, of all documents,
– the power of attorney granted to the Central Authority by the applicant in accordance with Article 42 of the Convention.
III. Applications under Article 10(1)(e) and (f)
1. An application for modification of a decision must include:
– the name of the court that issued the decision of which modification is sought or of the body before which the maintenance agreement was concluded,
– the date on which the decision was issued or the agreement concluded and the number of the decision or agreement,
– the given name and family name of the parties to the proceedings and their dates of birth,
– the change in circumstances of the person receiving maintenance, the debtor, the creditor and the person caring for the child, including the fact that a new decision has been issued or a new agreement concluded on caring for the child; the change in living expenses and other circumstances justifying modification of the decision,
– an indication of the monthly amount claimed,
– details of the creditor's bank account (account number, name of bank, IBAN).
2. The application must be signed personally by the applicant or, if the applicant is a minor, by his or her legal representative. An application for modification of a decision must be accompanied by the following documents:
– the original of the writ of execution or original court decision, or a certified copy of the court decision with an attestation of its enforceability,
– details of the bank account to which the amounts awarded should be transferred,
– an official translation into Croatian, by a sworn translator, of all documents,
– the power of attorney granted to the Central Authority by the applicant in accordance with Article 42 of the Convention.
IV. Applications under Article 10(2)(b) and (c)
1. An application for modification of a decision must include:
– the name of the court that issued the decision of which modification is sought or of the body before which the maintenance agreement was concluded,
– the date on which the decision was issued or the agreement concluded and the number of the decision or agreement,
– the given name and family name of the parties to the proceedings and their dates of birth,
– the change in circumstances of the person receiving maintenance, the debtor, the creditor and the person caring for the child, including the fact that a new decision has been established or new agreement concluded on caring for the child; the change in living expenses and other circumstances justifying the modification of the decision,
– an indication of the monthly amount paid prior to submission of the application and the modification sought.
2. The application must be signed personally by the applicant.
An application for modification of a decision must be accompanied by the following documents:
– the original of the writ of execution or original court decision, or a certified copy of the court decision with an attestation of its enforceability,
– an official translation into Croatian, by a sworn translator, of all documents,
– the power of attorney granted to the Central Authority by the applicant in accordance with Article 42 of the Convention.
The Republic of Latvia:
– The application shall include the information specified in the relevant forms recommended and published by the Hague Conference on Private International Law and shall be accompanied by a receipt for payment of state tax in cases where the applicant is not exempt from payment of state tax or does not receive legal assistance, as well as documents which confirm the information included in the application.
– The application shall include the applicant's personal code (if assigned in the Republic of Latvia) or identification number, if assigned; the respondent's personal code (if assigned in the Republic of Latvia) or identification number, if assigned; the personal codes (if assigned in the Republic of Latvia) or identification numbers, if assigned, of all the persons for whom maintenance is sought.
– Applications referred to in Article 10(1)(a), (b), (d) and (f) and 2(a) and (c) which do not concern child support (within the meaning of Article 15) shall be accompanied by a document showing the extent to which the applicant received free legal assistance in the State of origin, containing information on the type and amount of legal assistance already requested and indicating what further legal assistance will be needed.
– Applications referred to in Article 10(1)(b) shall be accompanied by a document indicating the applicant's chosen means of enforcement (proceedings to recover the debtor's movable assets, funds and/or immovable property).
– Applications referred to in Article 10(1)(b) shall be accompanied by a document containing a calculation of the debt.
– Applications referred to in Article 10(1)(c), (d), (e) and (f) and 2(b) and (c) shall be accompanied by documents which substantiate the information concerning the financial situation and expenses of the creditor and/or debtor.
The Republic of Malta:
I. Application under Article 10(1)(b)
1. An application for enforcement of a decision shall include:
– the name of the court which issued the judgment;
– the date of the judgment;
– details of the creditor and debtor's nationality; and
– profession or occupation.
2. The following documents shall also be enclosed:
– certified copy of the judgment along with the order of its enforcement;
– detailed list of arrears and in the case of indexation of an enforceable claim, the method of calculating the indexation and in the event of an obligation to pay legal interest, the legal interest rate and the starting date for the mandatory interest;
– details of the bank account to which the enforced amounts should be transferred;
– copy of the application together with the annexes; and
– translation of all documents in the Maltese language by a professional sworn translator.
II. Application under Article 10(1)(c) and (d)
An application for the establishment of a decision awarding child support shall be accompanied by the following documents:
– monthly amount of child support relative to each creditor; and – grounds for the application for the decision which shall contain information on the relationship between the creditor and debtor and the financial situation of the legal representative of the creditor and which shall include information relative to the:
(i) maintenance expenses: food, health, clothing, accommodation and education. (Note: When the child support is requested for more than one child, the information has to be supplied relative to each child);
(ii) sources and amount of monthly income of the parent taking care of the creditor; and
(iii) monthly expenditure of the parent caring for the creditor relative to the creditor.
III. Application under Article 10(1)(e) and (f)
An application for modification of a decision awarding maintenance shall include:
– the name of the court issuing the judgment, date of the judgment and details of the parties to the proceedings;
– an indication of the monthly amount of maintenance claimed on behalf of each creditor in lieu of the maintenance previously awarded;
– an indication of the change in the circumstances justifying the claim for a change to the amount of maintenance; and
– supporting documents which have to be listed and attached to the application
(Note: These documents have to be originals or certified copies).
IV. Application under Article 10(2)(b) and (c)
An application for modification of a decision awarding maintenance shall include:
– the name of the court issuing the judgment, date of the judgment and details of the parties to the proceedings;
– an indication of the monthly amount of maintenance claimed on behalf of each creditor in lieu of the maintenance previously awarded;
– an indication of the change in the circumstances justifying the claim for a change to the amount of maintenance; and
– supporting documents which have to be listed and attached to the application.
(Note: These documents have to be originals or certified copies).
The Republic of Poland:
I. Application under Article 10(1)(b)
1. An application for enforcement of a decision should contain the name of the court which issued the judgment, the date of the judgment and the forename and surname of the parties to the proceedings.
2. The following documents should be enclosed:
– original of the enforceable title (certified copy of the judgment together with the order for its enforcement),
– detailed list of arrears,
– details of the bank account to which the enforced amounts should be transferred,
– copy of the application together with annexes,
– translation of all documents into Polish by a sworn translator.
3. The application, grounds for the application, list of arrears and information on the financial situation of the debtor must be signed personally by the creditor(s) or, in the case of minors, by their legal representative.
4. Where the creditor is not in possession of the original of the enforceable title, the reason must be stated in the application (e.g. document lost or destroyed, or enforceable title not established by the court).
5. In the event of loss of the enforceable title, an application for a further establishment of the enforceable title to replace the one lost should be enclosed.
II. Applications under Article 10(1)(c) and (d)
1. An application for the establishment of a decision awarding child support should contain an indication of the monthly amount requested in the title as child support for each creditor.
2. The application and grounds for the application must be signed personally by the creditor(s) or, in the case of minors, by their legal representative.
3. In the grounds for an application for establishment of a decision, it is necessary to state all facts justifying the request, and in particular to supply information concerning:
(a) the relationship between the creditor and debtor: child (child from a marriage/child formally recognised by the debtor/paternity of the child established by court proceedings), other relative, spouse, former spouse, related,
(b) information regarding the financial situation of the creditor should contain data concerning:
– the age, health and level of education of the creditor,
– the monthly outgoings of the creditor (food, clothes, personal hygiene, prevention, medicine, rehabilitation, training, leisure, exceptional expenditure, etc.),
– (where child support is requested for more than one entitled person – the above data should be supplied for each of these persons),
– education of the parent taking care of the under-age creditor, their acquired profession and their actual profession,
– sources and amount of monthly income of the parent taking care of the creditor,
– monthly outgoings of the parent caring for the under-age creditor for the maintenance of himself/herself and others, in addition to the creditor, dependent on him/her for support, (c) information on the financial situation of the debtor should also contain data on the education of the debtor, their acquired profession and their actual profession.
4. It should be indicated which of the facts described in the grounds are to be stated in the taking of evidence (e.g. reading the document at the hearing, hearing the witness(es), hearing the creditor or his/her legal representative, hearing the debtor, etc.).
5. It is necessary to indicate each piece of evidence required and all information necessary to enable the court to take such evidence.
6. Documents should be written and attached to the application in the original or in the form of certified copies; documents drawn up in a foreign language should be accompanied by a certified translation into Polish.
7. Witnesses: the first name, surname and address of each witness should be included.
III. Application provided for in Article 10(1)(e) and (f)
1. An application for modification of a decision awarding maintenance must include:
(a) the name of the court issuing the judgment, the date of the judgment and the first name and surname of the parties to the proceedings,
(b) an indication of the monthly amount of maintenance claimed on behalf of each creditor instead of the maintenance previously awarded.
2. The reasons given in the application should set out the change in circumstances justifying the claim for a change to the amount of maintenance.
3. The application and grounds for the application must be signed personally by the creditor(s) or, in the case of minors, by their legal representative.
4. It should be indicated which of the facts described in the grounds are to be stated in the taking of evidence (e.g. reading the document at the hearing, hearing the witness(es), hearing the creditor or his/her legal representative, hearing the debtor, etc.).
5. It is necessary to indicate each piece of evidence requested and all information necessary to enable the court to take such evidence.
6. Documents should be written and attached to the application in the original or in the form of certified copies; documents drawn up in a foreign language should be accompanied by a certified translation into Polish.
7. Witnesses: the first name, surname and address of each witness should be included.
IV. Application provided for in Article 10(2)(b) and (c)
1. An application for modification of a decision awarding maintenance must include:
(a) the name of the court issuing the judgment, the date of the judgment and the first name and surname of the parties to the proceedings,
(b) an indication of the monthly amount of maintenance claimed on behalf of each creditor instead of the maintenance previously awarded.
2. The reasons given in the application should set out the change in circumstances justifying the claim for a change to the amount of maintenance.
3. The application and grounds for the application must be signed personally by the debtor.
4. It should be indicated which of the facts described in the grounds are to be stated in the taking of evidence (e.g. reading the document at the hearing, hearing the witness(es), hearing the creditor or his/her legal representative, hearing the debtor, etc.).
5. It is necessary to indicate each piece of evidence requested and all information necessary to enable the court to take such evidence.
6. Documents should be written and attached to the application in the original or in the form of certified copies; documents drawn up in a foreign language should be accompanied by a certified translation into Polish.
7. Witnesses: the first name, surname and address of each witness should be included.
The Portuguese Republic:
I. Application under Article 10(1)(b)
An application for enforcement of a decision shall be accompanied, in addition to the documents referred to in Article 25, by:
1. a detailed list of arrears and, in the case of indexation of an enforceable claim, the method of calculating that indexation; in the event of an obligation to pay legal interest, an indication of the legal interest rate and the date of commencement of the obligation;
2. full identification of the bank account to which the amounts must be transferred.
II. Application under Article 10(1)(c) and (d)
An application for establishment of a decision awarding child support, within the meaning of Article 15, shall be accompanied by the following supporting documents:
1. monthly amount of child support applied for on behalf of each creditor; 2. grounds for the application for establishment of a decision, which must report all the facts in support of the application and provide information on:
(a) the relationship between the creditor and debtor: child (child from a marriage/child formally recognised by the debtor/paternity of the child established by court proceedings), including submission of a certificate attesting to parentage/adoption;
(b) the financial situation of the legal representative of the creditor(s) (parent or guardian), which shall include data on:
– monthly maintenance expenses: food, health, clothing, accommodation, education (where child support is requested for more than one entitled person, the above data should be supplied for each of these persons);
– sources and amount of monthly income of the parent taking care of the creditor;
– monthly outgoings of the parent caring for an under-age creditor, for the maintenance of himself/herself and others for whom he/she is responsible;
3. application and grounds for application, signed personally by the creditor(s) or, in the case of minors, by his/her/their legal representative;
III. Application under Article 10(1)(e) and (f)
An application for modification of a decision awarding maintenance shall include:
1. the name of the court issuing the judgment, the date of the judgment and identification of the parties to the proceedings;
2. an indication of the monthly amount of maintenance claimed on behalf of each creditor instead of the maintenance previously awarded;
3. in its grounds, an indication of the change in circumstances justifying the claim for a change to the amount of maintenance;
4. supporting documents, which should be listed and attached to the application – originals or certified copies;
5. on the application and its grounds, the personal signature of the creditor(s) or, in the case of minors, of their legal representative;
IV. Application under Article 10(2)(b) and (c)
An application for modification of a decision awarding maintenance (submitted by the debtor) shall include:
1. the name of the court issuing the judgment, the date of the judgment and identification of the parties to the proceedings;
2. an indication of the monthly amount of maintenance claimed on behalf of each creditor instead of the maintenance previously awarded;
3. in its grounds, an indication of the change in circumstances justifying the claim for a change to the amount of maintenance;
4. supporting documents, which should be listed and attached to the application – originals or certified copies;
5. on the application and its grounds, the personal signature of the debtor(s).
The Slovak Republic:
– Information about the nationality of all the parties involved.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland:
Application under Article 10(1)(b)
England and Wales
Original and/or certified copy of decision; Certificate of enforceability; Statement of Arrears; Document stating that the debtor appeared at the original hearing and if not, document attesting that debtor had been notified and served of those proceedings or that he was notified of the original decision and was given opportunity to defend or appeal; Statement as to whereabouts of debtor – residential and employment; Statement as to identification of debtor; Photograph of debtor, if available; Document indicating the extent that the applicant has benefited from free legal aid; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Certified copy of Marriage Certificate if applicable. Certified copy order or other instrument evidencing the dissolution of the marriage or other relationship, if applicable.
Original and/or certified copy of decision; Certificate of enforceability; Statement of Arrears; Document stating that the debtor appeared at the original hearing and if not, document attesting that debtor had been notified of those proceedings or that he was notified of the original decision and was given opportunity to appeal; Statement as to whereabouts of debtor; Statement as to identification of debtor; Photograph of debtor, if available; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable.
Northern Ireland
Original and/or certified copy of decision; Certificate of enforceability; Statement of Arrears; Document stating that the debtor appeared at the original hearing and if not, document attesting that debtor had been notified of those proceedings or that he was notified of the original decision and was given opportunity to appeal; Statement as to whereabouts of debtor – residential and employment; Statement as to identification of debtor; Photograph of debtor, if available; Document indicating the extent that the applicant has benefited from free legal aid; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Certified copy of Marriage Certificate if applicable.
Application under Article 10(1)(c)
England and Wales
Documents relevant to financial situation – income/outgoings/assets; Statement as to whereabouts of defendant – residential and employment; Statement as to identification of defendant; Photograph of defendant, if available; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Certified copy of Marriage Certificate if applicable; Certified copy order or other instrument evidencing the dissolution of the marriage or other relationship, if applicable. Copy of any relevant court orders; Legal aid application; Document proving parentage if applicable; Any other specified documents under Articles 16(3), 25(1)(a), (b) and (d) and (3)(b) and 30(3) if relevant.
Documents relevant to financial situation – income/outgoings/assets; Statement as to whereabouts of defendant; Statement as to identification of defendant; Photograph of defendant, if available; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Certified copy of Marriage Certificate if applicable; Legal aid application; Document proving parentage if applicable.
Northern Ireland
Documents relevant to financial situation – income/outgoings/assets; Statement as to whereabouts of defendant – residential and employment; Statement as to identification of defendant; Photograph of defendant, if available; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Certified copy of Marriage Certificate if applicable; Certified copy of Decree Nisi (interim divorce certificate) if applicable; Copy of any relevant court orders; Legal aid application; Document proving parentage if applicable; Any other specified documents under Articles 16(3), 25(1)(a), (b) and (d) and (3)(b) and 30(3) if relevant.
Application under Article 10(1)(d)
England and Wales
Certified copy of decision relevant to Article 20 or Article 22 (b) or (e) together with documents relevant to the making of that decision; Document indicating the extent that the applicant has benefited from free legal aid; Documents relevant to financial situation – income/outgoings/assets; Statement as to whereabouts – residential and employment of defendant; Statement as to identification of defendant; Photograph of defendant, if available; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Certified copy of Marriage Certificate if applicable; Certified copy of order or other instrument evidencing the dissolution of the marriage or other relationship, if applicable. Copy of any relevant court orders; Document proving parentage if applicable; Any other specified documents under Articles 16(3), 25(1)(a), (b) and (d) and (3)(b) and 30(3) if relevant.
As at Article 10(1)(c) above.
Northern Ireland
Certified copy of decision relevant to Article 20 or 22 (b) or (e) together with documents relevant to the making of that decision; Document indicating the extent that the applicant has benefited from free legal aid; Documents relevant to financial situation – income/outgoings/assets; Statement as to whereabouts – residential and employment of defendant; Statement as to identification of defendant; Photograph of defendant, if available; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Certified copy of Marriage Certificate if applicable; Certified copy of Decree Nisi (interim divorce certificate) if applicable; Copy of any relevant court orders; Document proving parentage if applicable; Any other specified documents under Articles 16(3), 25(1)(a), (b) and (d) and (3)(b) and 30(3) if relevant.
Application under Article 10(1)( e)
England and Wales
Copy of decision to be modified; Documents relevant to financial situation of applicant/defendant – income/outgoings/assets; Legal aid application; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Documents relevant to change in child(ren)'s situation; Documents relevant to marital status of applicant/defendant, if applicable; Copy of any relevant court orders; Any other specified documents under Articles 16(3), 25(1)(a), (b) and (d) and (3)(b) and 30(3) if relevant. Written statement that both parties appeared in the proceedings and if only the applicant appeared the original or certified copy of the document establishing proof of service of the notice of the proceedings on the other party.
Copy of decision to be modified; Documents relevant to financial situation of applicant/defendant – income/outgoings/assets; Legal aid application; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Documents relevant to change in child(ren)'s situation.
Northern Ireland
Copy of decision to be modified; Documents relevant to financial situation of applicant/defendant – income/outgoings/assets; Legal aid application; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Documents relevant to change in child(ren)'s situation; Documents relevant to marital status of applicant/defendant, if applicable; Copy of any relevant court orders; Any other specified documents under Articles 16(3), 25(1)(a), (b) and (d) and (3)(b) and 30(3) if relevant.
Application under Article 10(1)(f)
England and Wales
Original and/or certified copy of decision to be modified; Document stating that the debtor appeared at the original hearing and if not, document attesting that debtor had been notified of those proceedings or that he was notified of the original decision and was given opportunity to appeal; Document indicating the extent that the applicant has benefited from free legal aid; Documents relevant to financial situation of applicant/defendant – income/outgoings/assets; Certificate of enforceability; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Documents relevant to change in child(ren)'s situation; Certified copy of Marriage Certificate if applicable; Certified copy of order or other instrument evidencing the dissolution of the marriage or other relationship, if applicable; Documents relevant to marital status of applicant/defendant, if applicable; Copy of any relevant court orders; Statement as to whereabouts of debtor – residential and employment; Statement as to identification of debtor; Photograph of debtor, if available; Any other specified documents under Articles 16(3), 25(1)(a), (b) and (d) and (3)(b) and 30(3) if relevant. Written statement that both parties appeared in the proceedings and if only the applicant appeared the original or certified copy of the document establishing proof of service of the notice of the proceedings on the other party.
Original and/or certified copy of decision to be modified; Document attesting that debtor had been notified of those proceedings or that he was notified of the original decision and was given opportunity to appeal; Document indicating the extent that the applicant has benefited from free legal aid; Documents relevant to financial situation of applicant/defendant – income/outgoings/assets; Certificate of enforceability; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Documents relevant to change in child(ren)'s situation; Documents relevant to marital status of applicant/defendant, if applicable; Statement as to whereabouts of debtor; Statement as to identification of debtor; Photograph of debtor, if available.
Northern Ireland
Original and/or certified copy of decision to be modified; Document stating that the debtor appeared at the original hearing and if not, document attesting that debtor had been notified of those proceedings or that he was notified of the original decision and was given opportunity to appeal; Document indicating the extent that the applicant has benefited from free legal aid; Documents relevant to financial situation of applicant/defendant – income/outgoings/assets; Certificate of enforceability; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Documents relevant to change in child(ren)'s situation; Certified copy of Marriage Certificate if applicable; Certified copy of Decree Nisi (interim divorce certificate) if applicable; Documents relevant to marital status of applicant/defendant, if applicable; Copy of any relevant court orders; Statement as to whereabouts of debtor – residential and employment; Statement as to identification of debtor; Photograph of debtor, if available; Any other specified documents under Articles 16(3), 25(1)(a), (b) and (d) and (3)(b) and 30(3) if relevant.
Application under Article 10(2)(b)
England and Wales
Copy of decision to be modified; Documents relevant to financial situation of applicant/defendant – income/outgoings/assets; Legal aid application; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Documents relevant to change in child(ren)'s situation; Documents relevant to marital status of applicant/defendant, if applicable; Copy of any relevant court orders; Any other specified documents under Articles 16(3), 25(1)(a), (b) and (d) and (3)(b) and 30(3) if relevant.
Copy of decision to be modified; Documents relevant to financial situation of applicant/defendant – income/outgoings/assets; Legal aid application; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Documents relevant to change in child(ren)'s situation.
Northern Ireland
Copy of decision to be modified; Documents relevant to financial situation of applicant/defendant – income/outgoings/assets; Legal aid application; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Documents relevant to change in child(ren)'s situation; Documents relevant to marital status of applicant/defendant, if applicable; Copy of any relevant court orders; Any other specified documents under Articles 16(3), 25(1) (a), (b) and (d) and (3)(b) and 30(3) if relevant.
Application under Article 10(2)(c)
England and Wales
Original and/or certified copy of decision to be modified; Certificate of enforceability; Document indicating the extent that the applicant has benefited from free legal aid; Documents relevant to financial situation of applicant/defendant – income/outgoings/assets; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Documents relevant to change in child(ren)'s situation; Certified copy of Marriage Certificate if applicable; Certified copy order or other instrument evidencing the dissolution of the marriage or other relationship if applicable; Documents relevant to marital status of applicant/defendant, if applicable; Copy of any relevant court orders; Statement as to whereabouts of creditor – residential and employment; Statement as to identification of creditor; Photograph of creditor, if available; Any other specified documents under Articles 16(3), 25(1)(a), (b) and (d) and (3)(b) and 30(3) if relevant.
Original and/or certified copy of decision to be modified; Document indicating the extent that the applicant has benefited from free legal aid; Documents relevant to financial situation of applicant/defendant – income/outgoings/assets; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Documents relevant to change in applicant's financial situation; Statement as to whereabouts of creditor; Statement as to identification of creditor; Photograph of creditor, if available.
Northern Ireland
Original and/or certified copy of decision to be modified; Certificate of enforceability; Document indicating the extent that the applicant has benefited from free legal aid; Documents relevant to financial situation of applicant/defendant – income/outgoings/assets; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Documents relevant to change in child(ren)'s situation; Certified copy of Marriage Certificate if applicable; Certified copy of Decree Nisi (interim divorce certificate) if applicable; Documents relevant to marital status of applicant/defendant, if applicable; Copy of any relevant court orders; Statement as to whereabouts of creditor – residential and employment; Statement as to identification of creditor; Photograph of creditor, if available; Any other specified documents under Articles 16(3), 25(1)(a), (b) and (d) and (3)(b) and 30(3) if relevant.
For applications under Article 10, including Articles 10(1)(a) and 10(2)(a), the England and Wales Central Authority would be grateful to receive three copies of each document, accompanied by translations into English (if necessary).
For applications under Article 10, including Articles 10(1)(a) and 10(2)(a), the Northern Ireland Central Authority would be grateful to receive three copies of each document, accompanied by translations into English.
2. Declarations referred to in article 44(1) of the Convention
The European Union declares that the Member States listed below accept applications and related documents translated into, in addition to their official language, the languages specified for each of the listed Member States:
The Czech Republic: Slovak
The Republic of Estonia: English
The Republic of Cyprus: English
The Republic of Lithuania: English
The Republic of Malta: English
The Slovak Republic: Czech
The Republic of Finland: English
3. Declarations referred to in article 44(2) of the Convention
The European Union declares that in the Kingdom of Belgium documents shall be drawn up in or translated into French, Dutch or German depending on the part of the Belgian territory in which the documents are to be submitted.
Information on which language is to be used in any given part of the Belgian territory can be found in the Manual of receiving agencies under Regulation (EC) No 1393/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 November 2007 on the service in the Member States of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters (service of documents)1. This Manual can be accessed on the website
Click on:
"Serving documents
(Regulation 1393/2007)"/"Documents"/"Manual"/"Belgium"/"Geographical areas of competence" (pp. 13 et seq.).
or go directly to the following address:
and click on "Geographical areas of competence" (pp. 13 et seq.).

1 OJ L 324, 10.12.2007, p. 79.

Unilateral declaration by the European Union at the time of the approval of The Hague Convention of 23 November 2007 on the international recovery of child support and other forms of family maintenance

The European Union makes the following unilateral declaration:
The European Union wishes to underline the great importance it attaches to the 2007 Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance. The Union recognises that extending the application of the Convention to all maintenance obligations arising from a family relationship, parentage, marriage or affinity is likely to increase considerably its effectiveness, allowing all maintenance creditors to benefit from the system of administrative cooperation established by the Convention.
It is in this spirit that the European Union intends to extend the application of Chapters II and III of the Convention to spousal support when the Convention enters into force with regard to the Union.
Furthermore, the European Union undertakes, within seven years, in the light of experience acquired and possible declarations of extension made by other Contracting States, to examine the possibility of extending the application of the Convention as a whole to all maintenance obligations arising from a family relationship, parentage, marriage or affinity.



1) Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 23(2) to (11) of the Convention, the recognition and enforcement procedure shall be applied in respect of the application for recognition and enforcement of decisions under the Article 24 of the Convention.
2) The application for recognition and enforcement of a maintenance arrangement provided for in Article 30(7) of the Convention shall be submitted only through the central authority of the Republic of Kazakhstan
3) According to Article 44(1) of the Convention, any application and related documents of the requesting Member States shall be accepted for execution in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, if they are accompanied by their translations into Kazakh and/or Russian which are certified properly.
In accordance with Articles 62 and 44(3) of the Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance, the Republic of Kazakhstan objects to the use of the French language in other communications between the central authorities. Such other communications shall be in Kazakh and/or Russian or English.



Montenegro reserves the right to limit the application of the Article 2 Paragraph 2, Sub-paragraph 1a) of the Convention to persons who have not attained the age of 18 years. Montenegro shall not be entitled to claim the application of the Convention to persons of the age excluded by this reservation.



In accordance with Articles 63 and 2 (3), Norway declares that it will:
- enforce maintenance decisions in favour of children beyond 21 years, however not beyond 25 years. Norway reserves the right not to stipulate maintenance for children beyond 21 years,
- stipulate, recognize and enforce decisions regarding spousal maintenance to the same extent as decisions regarding child maintenance, applying also Chapters II and III of the Convention,
- apply the procedure referred to in Article 24 when receiving applications under the Convention from other States, and not the procedure referred to in Article 23,
- in accordance with Article 30 (7), only recognize and enforce maintenance arrangements when the application is made through Central Authorities,
- in accordance with Article 44 (1), as a general rule accept and prefer applications in English instead of applications translated into Norwegian.
In accordance with Articles 62 and 44 (3), Norway reserves the right not to receive applications in French.



The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine declares that it ratified the following act:
The Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance concluded on 23 November 2007 in Hague, with the following Declarations and Reservations:
To Article 2:
In accordance with Article 62 of the Convention, Ukraine reserves the right to apply the Convention to maintenance obligations arising from a parent-child relationship towards a person under the age of 18;
In accordance with Article 63 of the Convention, Ukraine declares that it will extend the application of Chapters V and VIII of the Convention to recovery of maintenance:
From parents in favour of an adult incapacitated daughter, son;
From parents in favour of an adult daughter, son, who continue studies until they reach the age of 23;
From an adult daughter, son in favour of incapacitated parents;
From a grandmother, grandfather in favour of grandchildren, who are under age;
From adult grandchildren, great-grandchildren in favour of an incapacitated grandmother, grandfather, great-grandmother, great-grandfather;
From adult siblings in favour of siblings, who are under age, and incapacitated adult siblings;
From stepmother, stepfather in favour of stepdaughter, stepson, who are under age;
From an adult stepdaughter, stepson in favour of an incapacitated stepmother, stepfather;
To Article 24:
In accordance with Article 63 of the Convention, Ukraine declares that it will apply the procedure, set out in Article 24, while considering the application for recognition and enforcement;
To Article 25:
In accordance with Article 57 of the Convention, Ukraine states that application for recognition and enforcement shall be accompanied by a complete copy of the decision certified by the competent authority in the State of origin;
To Article 30:
In accordance with Article 62 of the Convention, Ukraine reserves the right not to recognize and not to enforce maintenance arrangement.


In February 2014 the Russian Federation launched armed aggression against Ukraine and occupied a part of the territory of Ukraine – the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, and today exercises effective control over certain districts of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine. These actions are in gross violation of the Charter of the United Nations and constitute a threat to international peace and security. The Russian Federation, as the Aggressor State and Occupying Power, bears full responsibility for its actions and their consequences under international law.
The United Nations General Assembly Resolution A/RES/68/262 of 27 March 2014 confirmed the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders. The United Nations also called upon all States, international organizations and specialized agencies not to recognize any alteration of the status of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.
In this regard, Ukraine states that from 20 February 2014 and for the period of temporary occupation by the Russian Federation of a part of the territory of Ukraine - the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol – as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation committed against the Ukraine and until the complete restoration of the constitutional law and order and effective control by Ukraine over such occupied territory, as well as over certain districts of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine, which are temporarily not under control of Ukraine as a result of the aggression of the Russian Federation, the application and implementation by Ukraine of the obligations under the above Conventions, as applied to the aforementioned occupied and uncontrolled territory of Ukraine, is limited and is not guaranteed.
Documents or requests made or issued by the occupying authorities of the Russian Federation, its officials at any level in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol and by the illegal authorities in certain districts of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine, which are temporarily not under control of Ukraine, are null and void and have no legal effect regardless of whether they are presented directly or indirectly through the authorities of the Russian Federation.
The provisions of the Conventions regarding the possibility of direct communication or interaction do not apply to the territorial organs of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, as well as in certain districts of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine, which are temporarily not under control of Ukraine. The procedure of the relevant communication is determined by the central authorities of Ukraine in Kyiv.



1. Turkey declares that her signing/ratification of the “Convention on the international recovery of child support and other forms of family maintenance” neither amounts to any form of
recognition of the Greek Cypriot Administration’s pretention to represent the defunct “Republic of Cyprus” as party to the “Convention on the international recovery of child support and other forms of family maintenance”, nor should it imply any obligations on the part of Turkey to enter into any dealing with the so-called Republic of Cyprus within the framework of the said “Convention on the international recovery of child support and other forms of family maintenance”.
“The Republic of Cyprus” was founded as a Partnership State in 1960 by Greek and Turkish Cypriots in accordance with international treaties. This partnership was destroyed by the Greek Cypriot side when it unlawfully seized the state by forcibly ejecting all Turkish Cypriot members in all the state organs in 1963. Eventually, Turkish Cypriots who were excluded from the
Partnership State in 1963 have organized themselves under their territorial boundaries and exercise governmental authority, jurisdiction and sovereignty. There is no single authority which in law or in fact is competent to represent jointly the Turkish Cypriots and the Greek Cypriots and consequently Cyprus as a whole. Thus, the Greek Cypriots cannot claim authority, jurisdiction or sovereignty over the Turkish Cypriots who have equal status or over the entire Island of Cyprus.
2. The Republic of Turkey declares that:
In accordance with subparagraph “a” of the first paragraph, the maintenance obligations shall be extended to the children who have not attained the age of 25 years, provided that the
education of the children continues.
In accordance with the third paragraph, the application of the whole of the Convention shall be
extended to the maintenances towards spouses, mentally and physically disabled children – who cannot sustain their lives – without any age limits and mothers and fathers who are in
need of care.
3. The Republic of Turkey may request the inclusion of following documents to the applications under the Convention:
- a certified copy of the complete text of the maintenance decision, and the decision amending this maintenance decision, if any;
- the documents indicating that the case and the court decision was served to the debtor, if required;
- the information and documents related with the identity of the debtor and if any, the photograph of the debtor;
- the information and documents related with the legal representative of the debtor and the creditor;
- the birth certificate and family registry of the child; if not, other documents proving paternity;
- the document about the marital status of the creditor in the requests of welfare allowance;
- the document, indicating that the education continues, in the requests towards accruing maintenance credits of the children who have attained the age of 18 years;
- the indexation method in case of adjusting the maintenance debt by indexation, the interest rate to be paid and the date of the beginning of the interest in case of an obligation of interest payment;
- the authorization certificate indicating that the applicant has authorized the Central Authority of the Republic of Turkey;
- the list of accrued maintenance debts, and payments, if any.
4. The Republic of Turkey declares that it shall prefer the Article 24 in the application of recognition and enforcement.
5. The Republic of Turkey, in accordance with subparagraph “a” of the third paragraph of the Article 25 declares that a certified copy of the decision given by the competent authority in the
State of origin must accompany the application.
The Republic of Turkey, in accordance with Article 30 reserves the right not to recognize and enforce maintenance arrangements.

Verenigd Koninkrijk


The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland declares that it will extend the application of Chapters II and III of the Convention to spousal support.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland reservation at the time of the approval of the Hague Convention of 23 November 2007 on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance (‘the Convention’) in accordance with Article 62 thereof
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland makes the following reservation provided for in Article 44(3) of the Convention:
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland object to the use of French in communications between Central Authorities.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland declarations at the time of the approval of the Hague Convention of 23 November 2007 on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance (‘the Convention’) in accordance with Article 63 thereof
Declarations referred to in Article11 (1) (g) of the Convention
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland declares that, an application other than an application under Article 10(1)(a) and (2)(a) of the Convention shall include the information or documents specified below:
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland:
Application under Article 10(1) (b)
England and Wales
Original and/or certified copy of decision; Certificate of enforceability; Statement of Arrears; Document stating that the debtor appeared at the original hearing and if not, document attesting that debtor had been notified and served of those proceedings or that he was notified of the original decision and was given opportunity to defend or appeal; Statement as to whereabouts of debtor - residential and employment; Statement as to identification of debtor; Photograph of debtor, if available; Document indicating the extent that the applicant has benefited from free legal aid; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Certified copy of Marriage Certificate if applicable. Certified copy order or other instrument evidencing the dissolution of the marriage or other relationship, if applicable.
Original and/or certified copy of decision; Certificate of enforceability; Statement of Arrears; Document stating that the debtor appeared at the original hearing and if not, document attesting that debtor had been notified of those proceedings or that he was notified of the original decision and was given opportunity to appeal; Statement as to whereabouts of debtor; Statement as to identification of debtor; Photograph of debtor, if available; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable.
Northern Ireland
Original and/or certified copy of decision; Certificate of enforceability; Statement of Arrears; Document stating that the debtor appeared at the original hearing and if not, document attesting that debtor had been notified of those proceedings or that he was notified of the original decision and was given opportunity to appeal; Statement as to whereabouts of debtor - residential and employment; Statement as to identification of debtor; Photograph of debtor, if available; Document indicating the extent that the applicant has benefited from free legal aid; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Certified copy of Marriage Certificate if applicable.
Application under Article 10(1) (c)
England and Wales
Documents relevant to financial situation - income/outgoings/assets; Statement as to whereabouts of defendant - residential and employment; Statement as to identification of defendant; Photograph of defendant, if available; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Certified copy of Marriage Certificate if applicable; Certified copy order or other instrument evidencing the dissolution of the marriage or other relationship, if applicable. Copy of any relevant court orders; Legal aid application; Document proving parentage if applicable; Any other specified documents under Articles 16(3), 25(1)(a), (b) and (d) and (3)(b) and 30(3) if relevant.
Documents relevant to financial situation - income/outgoings/assets; Statement as to whereabouts of defendant; Statement as to identification of defendant; Photograph of defendant, if available; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Certified copy of Marriage Certificate if applicable; Legal aid application; Document proving parentage if applicable.
Northern Ireland
Documents relevant to financial situation - income/outgoings/assets; Statement as to whereabouts of defendant - residential and employment; Statement as to identification of defendant; Photograph of defendant, if available; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Certified copy of Marriage Certificate if applicable; Certified copy of Decree Nisi (interim divorce certificate) if applicable; Copy of any relevant court orders; Legal aid application; Document proving parentage if applicable; Any other specified documents under Articles 16(3), 25(1)(a), (b) and (d) and (3)(b) and 30(3) if relevant.
Application under Article 10(1) (d)
England and Wales
Certified copy of decision relevant to Article 20 or Article 22 (b) or (e) together with documents relevant to the making of that decision; Document indicating the extent that the applicant has benefited from free legal aid; Documents relevant to financial situation - income/outgoings/assets; Statement as to whereabouts - residential and employment of defendant; Statement as to identification of defendant; Photograph of defendant, if available; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Certified copy of Marriage Certificate if applicable; Certified copy of order or other instrument evidencing the dissolution of the marriage or other relationship, if applicable. Copy of any relevant court orders; Document proving parentage if applicable; Any other specified documents under Articles 16(3), 25(1)(a), (b) and (d) and (3)(b) and 30(3) if relevant.
As at Article 10(1) (c) above.
Northern Ireland
Certified copy of decision relevant to Article 20 or 22 (b) or (e) together with documents relevant to the making of that decision; Document indicating the extent that the applicant has benefited from free legal aid; Documents relevant to financial situation - income/outgoings/assets; Statement as to whereabouts - residential and employment of defendant; Statement as to identification of defendant; Photograph of defendant, if available; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Certified copy of Marriage Certificate if applicable; Certified copy of Decree Nisi (interim divorce certificate) if applicable; Copy of any relevant court orders; Document proving parentage if applicable; Any other specified documents under Articles 16(3), 25(1)(a), (b) and (d) and (3)(b) and 30(3) if relevant.
Application under Article 10(1) (e)
England and Wales
Copy of decision to be modified; Documents relevant to financial situation of applicant/defendant - income/outgoings/assets; Legal aid application; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Documents relevant to change in child(ren)'s situation; Documents relevant to marital status of applicant/defendant, if applicable; Copy of any relevant court orders; Any other specified documents under Articles 16(3), 25(1)(a), (b) and (d) and (3)(b) and 30(3) if relevant. Written statement that both parties appeared in the proceedings and if only the applicant appeared the original or certified copy of the document establishing proof of service of the notice of the proceedings on the other party.
Copy of decision to be modified; Documents relevant to financial situation of applicant/defendant - income/outgoings/assets; Legal aid application; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Documents relevant to change in child(ren)'s situation.
Northern Ireland
Copy of decision to be modified; Documents relevant to financial situation of applicant/defendant - income/outgoings/assets; Legal aid application; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Documents relevant to change in child(ren)'s situation; Documents relevant to marital status of applicant/defendant, if applicable; Copy of any relevant court orders; Any other specified documents under Articles 16(3), 25(1)(a), (b) and (d) and (3)(b) and 30(3) if relevant.
Application under Article 10(1) (f)
England and Wales
Original and/or certified copy of decision to be modified; Document stating that the debtor appeared at the original hearing and if not, document attesting that debtor had been notified of those proceedings or that he was notified of the original decision and was given opportunity to appeal; Document indicating the extent that the applicant has benefited from free legal aid; Documents relevant to financial situation of applicant/defendant - income/outgoings/assets; Certificate of enforceability; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Documents relevant to change in child(ren)'s situation; Certified copy of Marriage Certificate if applicable; Certified copy of order or other instrument evidencing the dissolution of the marriage or other relationship, if applicable; Documents relevant to marital status of applicant/defendant, if applicable; Copy of any relevant court orders; Statement as to whereabouts of debtor - residential and employment; Statement as to identification of debtor; Photograph of debtor, if available; Any other specified documents under Articles 16(3), 25(1)(a), (b) and (d) and (3)(b) and 30(3) if relevant. Written statement that both parties appeared in the proceedings and if only the applicant appeared the original or certified copy of the document establishing proof of service of the notice of the proceedings on the other party.
Original and/or certified copy of decision to be modified; Document attesting that debtor had been notified of those proceedings or that he was notified of the original decision and was given opportunity to appeal; Document indicating the extent that the applicant has benefited from free legal aid; Documents relevant to financial situation of applicant/defendant - income/outgoings/assets; Certificate of enforceability; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Documents relevant to change in child(ren)'s situation; Documents relevant to marital status of applicant/defendant, if applicable; Statement as to whereabouts of debtor; Statement as to identification of debtor; Photograph of debtor, if available.
Northern Ireland
Original and/or certified copy of decision to be modified; Document stating that the debtor appeared at the original hearing and if not, document attesting that debtor had been notified of those proceedings or that he was notified of the original decision and was given opportunity to appeal; Document indicating the extent that the applicant has benefited from free legal aid; Documents relevant to financial situation of applicant/defendant - income/outgoings/assets; Certificate of enforceability; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Documents relevant to change in child(ren)'s situation; Certified copy of Marriage Certificate if applicable; Certified copy of Decree Nisi (interim divorce certificate) if applicable; Documents relevant to marital status of applicant/defendant, if applicable; Copy of any relevant court orders; Statement as to whereabouts of debtor - residential and employment; Statement as to identification of debtor; Photograph of debtor, if available; Any other specified documents under Articles 16(3), 25(1)(a), (b) and (d) and (3)(b) and 30(3) if relevant.
Application under Article 10(2) (b)
England and Wales
Copy of decision to be modified; Documents relevant to financial situation of applicant/defendant - income/outgoings/assets; Legal aid application; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Documents relevant to change in child(ren)'s situation; Documents relevant to marital status of applicant/defendant, if applicable; Copy of any relevant court orders; Any other specified documents under Articles 16(3), 25(1)(a), (b) and (d) and (3)(b) and 30(3) if relevant.
Copy of decision to be modified; Documents relevant to financial situation of applicant/defendant - income/outgoings/assets; Legal aid application; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Documents relevant to change in child(ren)'s situation.
Northern Ireland
Copy of decision to be modified; Documents relevant to financial situation of applicant/defendant - income/outgoings/assets; Legal aid application; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Documents relevant to change in child(ren)'s situation; Documents relevant to marital status of applicant/defendant, if applicable; Copy of any relevant court orders; Any other specified documents under Articles 16(3), 25(1) (a), (b) and (d) and (3)(b) and 30(3) if relevant.
Application under Article 10(2) (c)
England and Wales
Original and/or certified copy of decision to be modified; Certificate of enforceability; Document indicating the extent that the applicant has benefited from free legal aid; Documents relevant to financial situation of applicant/defendant - income/outgoings/assets; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Documents relevant to change in child(ren)'s situation; Certified copy of Marriage Certificate if applicable; Certified copy order or other instrument evidencing the dissolution of the marriage or other relationship if applicable; Documents relevant to marital status of applicant/defendant, if applicable; Copy of any relevant court orders; Statement as to whereabouts of creditor - residential and employment; Statement as to identification of creditor; Photograph of creditor, if available; Any other specified documents under Articles 16(3), 25(1)(a), (b) and (d) and (3)(b) and 30(3) if relevant.
Original and/or certified copy of decision to be modified; Document indicating the extent that the applicant has benefited from free legal aid; Documents relevant to financial situation of applicant/defendant - income/outgoings/assets; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Documents relevant to change in applicant's financial situation; Statement as to whereabouts of creditor; Statement as to identification of creditor; Photograph of creditor, if available.
Northern Ireland
Original and/or certified copy of decision to be modified; Certificate of enforceability; Document indicating the extent that the applicant has benefited from free legal aid; Documents relevant to financial situation of applicant/defendant - income/outgoings/assets; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Documents relevant to change in child(ren)'s situation; Certified copy of Marriage Certificate if applicable; Certified copy of Decree Nisi (interim divorce certificate) if applicable; Documents relevant to marital status of applicant/defendant, if applicable; Copy of any relevant court orders; Statement as to whereabouts of creditor - residential and employment; Statement as to identification of creditor; Photograph of creditor, if available; Any other specified documents under Articles 16(3), 25(1)(a), (b) and (d) and (3)(b) and 30(3) if relevant.
For applications under Article 10, including Articles 10(1) (a) and 10(2) (a), the England and Wales Central Authority would be grateful to receive three copies of each document, accompanied by translations into English (if necessary).
For applications under Article 10, including Articles 10(1)(a) and 10(2)(a), the Northern Ireland Central Authority and the Central Authority for Scotland would be grateful to receive three copies of each document, accompanied by translations into English.
Unilateral declaration at the time of the approval of the Hague Convention of 23 November 2007 on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland makes the following unilateral declaration:
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland wishes to underline the great importance it attaches to the 2007 Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland recognises that extending the application of the Convention to all maintenance obligations arising from a family relationship, parentage, marriage or affinity is likely to increase considerably its effectiveness, allowing all maintenance creditors to benefit from the system of administrative cooperation established by the Convention.
It is in this spirit that the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland intends to extend the application of Chapters II and III of the Convention to spousal support when the Convention enters into force with regard to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Furthermore, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland undertakes, within seven years, in the light of experience acquired and possible declarations of extension made by other Contracting States, to examine the possibility of extending the application of the Convention as a whole to all maintenance obligations arising from a family relationship, parentage, marriage or affinity.

With the following Note Verbale:
Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and has the honour to refer to the instrument of ratification (the “Instrument of Ratification”) which it has today deposited concerning the ratification by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the “United Kingdom”) of the Hague Convention of 23 November 2007 on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance (the “2007 Hague Convention”).
In accordance with Article 59 of the 2007 Hague Convention, the United Kingdom is bound by the Convention by virtue of its membership of the European Union, which approved the Convention on behalf of its Member States. The United Kingdom intends to continue to participate in the 2007 Hague Convention after it withdraws from the European Union.
The Government of the United Kingdom and the European Council have reached political agreement on the text of a treaty (the “Withdrawal Agreement”) on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community. Subject to signature, ratification and approval by the parties, the Withdrawal Agreement will enter into force on 30 March 2019.
The Withdrawal Agreement includes provisions for a transition period to start on 30 March 2019 and end on 31 December 2020 or such later date as is agreed by the United Kingdom and the European Union (the “transition period”). In accordance with the Withdrawal Agreement, during the transition period, European Union law, including the 2007 Hague Convention, would continue to be applicable to and in the United Kingdom. The European Union and the United Kingdom have agreed that the European Union will notify other parties to international agreements that during the transition period the United Kingdom is treated as a Member State for the purposes of international agreements concluded by the European Union, including the 2007 Hague Convention.
In the event that the Withdrawal Agreement is not ratified and approved by the United Kingdom and the European Union, however, the United Kingdom wishes to ensure continuity of application of the 2007 Hague Convention from the point at which it ceases to be a Member State of the European Union. The United Kingdom has therefore submitted the Instrument of Ratification in accordance with Article 58(2) of the 2007 Hague Convention in preparation for this situation. The Instrument of Ratification declares that the United Kingdom will become a contracting party to the 2007 Hague Convention in its own right with effect from 1 April 2019.
In the event that the Withdrawal Agreement is signed, ratified and approved by the United Kingdom and the European Union and enters into force on 30 March 2019, the United Kingdom will withdraw the Instrument of Ratification which it has today deposited. In that case, for the duration of the transition period as provided for in the Withdrawal Agreement as stated above, the United Kingdom will be treated as a Member State of the European Union and the 2007 Hague Convention will continue to have effect accordingly.
The Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Kingdom of the Netherlands avails itself of the opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands the assurances of its highest consideration.


Since the deposit of the Instrument of Ratification and the Note Verbale, the European Council and the United Kingdom have agreed to extend the period for withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union under Article 50(3) of the Treaty on European Union (the "Extension Period"). During the Extension Period, the United Kingdom will remain a Member State of the European Union. As a Member State, European Union law, including the Agreement, will remain applicable to and in the United Kingdom.
The length of the Extension Period is contingent on whether the Parliament of the United Kingdom approves an agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union (the "Withdrawal Agreement"). In its Decision on 22 March 2019 (the "European Council Decision") the European Council stated:
"In the event that the Withdrawal Agreement is approved by the House of Commons by 29 March 2019 at the latest, the period provided for in Article 50(3) TEU is extended until 22 May 2019. In the event that the Withdrawal Agreement is not approved by the House of Commons by 29 March 2019 at the latest, the period provided for in Article 50(3) TEU is extended until 12 April 2019. In that event, the United Kingdom will indicate a way forward before 12 April 2019, for consideration by the European Council."
The Government of the United Kingdom attaches importance to the seamless continuity of the application of the Agreement to the United Kingdom. In view of the short period of extension, the Government declares that it suspends the date of the United Kingdom's ratification of the Agreement from 1 April 2019, as stipulated in the Note Verbale, until 13 April 2019, or until 23 May 2019, as the case may be in accordance with the European Council Decision.
As stated in the Note Verbale, in the event that the Withdrawal Agreement is signed, ratified and approved by the United Kingdom and the European Union, the United Kingdom will withdraw the Instrument of Ratification which it deposited on 28 December 2018.


Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and has the honour to refer to the instrument of ratification (the “Instrument of Ratification”), which it deposited on 28 December 2018, and Note Verbale which it deposited on 28 March 2019 (the “Note Verbale”), concerning the ratification by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the “United Kingdom”) of the Hague Convention of 23 November 2007 on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance (the “Agreement”), and wishes to make the following declaration in respect of the ratification by the United Kingdom of the Agreement.
Since the deposit of the Note Verbale, in its Decision of 11 April 2019 (the “European Council Decision”) taken in agreement with the United Kingdom, the European Council has agreed a further extension until 31 October 2019 of the period for withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union under Article 50(3) of the Treaty on European Union (the “Extension Period”). During the Extension Period, the United Kingdom will remain a Member State of the European Union. As a Member State, European Union law, including the Agreement, will remain applicable to and in the United Kingdom.
The Government of the United Kingdom therefore has the honour to declare that the United Kingdom’s ratification of the Agreement should remain suspended until 1 November 2019 in accordance with the European Council Decision.
As stated in the Note Verbale, in the event that the Withdrawal Agreement is signed, ratified and approved by the United Kingdom and the European Union, the United Kingdom will withdraw the Instrument of Ratification which it deposited on 28 December 2018.
Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy avails itself of the opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands the assurances of its highest consideration.


The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland hereby extends the application of the ratification of the Agreement by the United Kingdom to the territory of Gibraltar, for whose international relations the United Kingdom is responsible. The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland considers that the extension of the Agreement to the territory of Gibraltar will come into effect upon entry into force of the Agreement for the United Kingdom. The territorial extension to Gibraltar is subject to the declarations and reservations made by the United Kingdom on behalf of Gibraltar that are annexed to this declaration.
Declaration referred to in Article 2(3) of the Convention
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland declares on behalf of HM Government of Gibraltar that Gibraltar will extend the application of Chapters II and III of the Convention to spousal support.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland reservation on behalf of HM Government of Gibraltar at the time of the extension to Gibraltar of the Hague Convention of 23 November 2007 on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance (‘the Convention’) in accordance with Article 62 thereof.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on behalf of HM Government of Gibraltar makes the following reservation provided for in Article 44(3) of the Convention:
HM Government of Gibraltar object to the use of French in communications between Central Authorities.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on behalf of HM Government of Gibraltar declarations at the time of the extension to Gibraltar of the Hague Convention of 23 November 2007 on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance (‘the Convention’) in accordance with Article 63 thereof
Declarations referred to in Article 11 (1) (g) of the Convention
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on behalf of HM Government of Gibraltar declares that an application other than an application under Article 10(1)(a) and (2)(a) of the Convention shall include the information or documents specified below:
Application under Article 10(1) (b)
Original and/or certified copy of decision; Certificate of enforceability; Statement of Arrears; Document stating that the debtor appeared at the original hearing and if not, document attesting that debtor had been notified and served of those proceedings or that he was notified of the original decision and was given opportunity to defend or appeal; Statement as to whereabouts of debtor - residential and employment; Statement as to identification of debtor; Photograph of debtor, if available; Document indicating the extent that the applicant has benefited from free legal aid; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Certified copy of Marriage Certificate if applicable. Certified copy order or other instrument evidencing the dissolution of the marriage or other relationship, if applicable.
Application under Article 10(1) (c)
Documents relevant to financial situation - income/outgoings/assets; Statement as to whereabouts of defendant - residential and employment; Statement as to identification of defendant; Photograph of defendant, if available; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Certified copy of Marriage Certificate if applicable; Certified copy order or other instrument evidencing the dissolution of the marriage or other relationship, if applicable. Copy of any relevant court orders; Legal aid application; Document proving parentage if applicable; Any other specified documents under Articles 16(3), 25(1)(a), (b) and (d) and (3)(b) and 30(3) if relevant.
Application under Article 10(1) (d)
Certified copy of decision relevant to Article 20 or Article 22 (b) or (e) together with documents relevant to the making of that decision; Document indicating the extent that the applicant has benefited from free legal aid; Documents relevant to financial situation - income/outgoings/assets; Statement as to whereabouts - residential and employment of defendant; Statement as to identification of defendant; Photograph of defendant, if available; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Certified copy of Marriage Certificate if applicable; Certified copy of order or other instrument evidencing the dissolution of the marriage or other relationship, if applicable. Copy of any relevant court orders; Document proving parentage if applicable; Any other specified documents under Articles 16(3), 25(1)(a), (b) and (d) and (3)(b) and 30(3) if relevant.
Application under Article 10(1) (e)
Copy of decision to be modified; Documents relevant to financial situation of applicant/defendant - income/outgoings/assets; Legal aid application; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Documents relevant to change in child(ren)'s situation; Documents relevant to marital status of applicant/defendant, if applicable; Copy of any relevant court orders; Any other specified documents under Articles 16(3), 25(1)(a), (b) and (d) and (3)(b) and 30(3) if relevant. Written statement that both parties appeared in the proceedings and if only the applicant appeared the original or certified copy of the document establishing proof of service of the notice of the proceedings on the other party.
Application under Article 10(1) (f)
Original and/or certified copy of decision to be modified; Document stating that the debtor appeared at the original hearing and if not, document attesting that debtor had been notified of those proceedings or that he was notified of the original decision and was given opportunity to appeal; Document indicating the extent that the applicant has benefited from free legal aid; Documents relevant to financial situation of applicant/defendant - income/outgoings/assets; Certificate of enforceability; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Documents relevant to change in child(ren)'s situation; Certified copy of Marriage Certificate if applicable; Certified copy of order or other instrument evidencing the dissolution of the marriage or other relationship, if applicable; Documents relevant to marital status of applicant/defendant, if applicable; Copy of any relevant court orders; Statement as to whereabouts of debtor - residential and employment; Statement as to identification of debtor; Photograph of debtor, if available; Any other specified documents under Articles 16(3), 25(1)(a), (b) and (d) and (3)(b) and 30(3) if relevant. Written statement that both parties appeared in the proceedings and if only the applicant appeared the original or certified copy of the document establishing proof of service of the notice of the proceedings on the other party.
Application under Article 10(2) (b)
Copy of decision to be modified; Documents relevant to financial situation of applicant/defendant - income/outgoings/assets; Legal aid application; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Documents relevant to change in child(ren)'s situation; Documents relevant to marital status of applicant/defendant, if applicable; Copy of any relevant court orders; Any other specified documents under Articles 16(3), 25(1)(a), (b) and (d) and (3)(b) and 30(3) if relevant.
Application under Article 10(2) (c)
Original and/or certified copy of decision to be modified; Certificate of enforceability; Document indicating the extent that the applicant has benefited from free legal aid; Documents relevant to financial situation of applicant/defendant - income/outgoings/assets; Certified copy of Birth or Adoption Certificate of child(ren) if applicable; Certificate from school/college if applicable; Documents relevant to change in child(ren)'s situation; Certified copy of Marriage Certificate if applicable; Certified copy order or other instrument evidencing the dissolution of the marriage or other relationship if applicable; Documents relevant to marital status of applicant/defendant, if applicable; Copy of any relevant court orders; Statement as to whereabouts of creditor - residential and employment; Statement as to identification of creditor; Photograph of creditor, if available; Any other specified documents under Articles 16(3), 25(1)(a), (b) and (d) and (3)(b) and 30(3) if relevant.
For applications under Article 10, including Articles 10(1) (a) and 10(2) (a), the Gibraltar Central Authority would be grateful to receive three copies of each document, accompanied by translations into English (if necessary).
Unilateral declaration at the time of the extension to Gibraltar of the Hague Convention of 23 November 2007 on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on behalf of HM Government of Gibraltar makes the following unilateral declaration:
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on behalf of HM Government of Gibraltar wishes to underline the great importance it attaches to the 2007 Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on behalf of HM Government of Gibraltar recognises that extending the application of the Convention to all maintenance obligations arising from a family relationship, parentage, marriage or affinity is likely to increase considerably its effectiveness, allowing all maintenance creditors to benefit from the system of administrative cooperation established by the Convention.
It is in this spirit that the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on behalf of HM Government of Gibraltar intends to extend the application of Chapters II and III of the Convention to spousal support when the Convention enters into force with regard to Gibraltar.
Furthermore, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on behalf of HM Government of Gibraltar undertakes, within seven years, in the light of experience acquired and possible declarations of extension made by other Contracting States, to examine the possibility of extending the application of the Convention as a whole to all maintenance obligations arising from a family relationship, parentage, marriage or affinity.

With the following Note Verbale:
Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and has the honour to refer to the instrument of ratification (the “Instrument of Ratification”) to the Hague Convention of 23 November 2007 on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance (the “Agreement”), which it deposited on 28 December 2018 alongside a Note Verbale of the same date, and to the subsequent Notes Verbales which it deposited on 28 March 2019 and 12 April 2019.
As the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the “United Kingdom”) has previously stated, in the event that the Withdrawal Agreement is not ratified and approved by the United Kingdom and the European Union, the United Kingdom wishes to ensure continuity of application of the Agreement from the point it ceases to be a Member State of the European Union. The United Kingdom is responsible for the international relations of Gibraltar and wishes to ensure that Gibraltar continues to be covered by the Agreement in the event that the Withdrawal Agreement is not approved.
Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy has therefore deposited today a declaration extending the United Kingdom’s ratification of the Agreement to Gibraltar.
The territorial extension to Gibraltar is subject to the declarations and reservations made by the United Kingdom on behalf of Gibraltar that are annexed to the declaration on territorial extent deposited today.
In the event that the Withdrawal Agreement is signed, ratified and approved by the United Kingdom and the European Union, the United Kingdom will withdraw the Instrument of Ratification and neither the Instrument of Ratification nor the declaration of territorial extent, including the declarations and reservations annexed thereto, deposited today would take effect.
Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy avails itself of the opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands the assurances of its highest consideration.


Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and has the honour to refer to the instrument of ratification (the “Instrument of Ratification”), which it deposited on 28 December 2018, and Declarations which it deposited on 28 March 2019 and 12 April 2019, concerning the ratification by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the “United Kingdom”) of the Hague Convention of 23 November 2007 on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance (the “Agreement”), and wishes to make the following declaration in respect of the ratification by the United Kingdom of the Agreement.
In its Decision of 29 October 2019 (the “European Council Decision”), the European Council has agreed a further extension of the period for the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union under Article 50(3) of the Treaty on the European Union (the “Extension Period”) which would last until 31 January 2020, or any of the earlier specified dates on which the Withdrawal Agreement enters into force.
During the Extension Period, the United Kingdom will remain a Member State of the European Union. As a Member State, European Union law, including the Agreement, will remain applicable to and in the United Kingdom.
The Government of the United Kingdom therefore has the honour to declare that the United Kingdom’s ratification of the Agreement, including its extension to Gibraltar, should remain suspended until 1 February 2020 in accordance with the European Council Decision.
In the event that a Withdrawal Agreement is signed, ratified and approved by the United Kingdom and the European Union and enters into force prior to or on 1 February 2020, the United Kingdom will withdraw the Instrument of Ratification which it deposited on 28 December 2018.
Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy avails itself of the opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands the assurances of its highest consideration.


Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and has the honour to refer to the instrument of ratification (the “Instrument of Ratification”) which it deposited alongside a Note Verbale (the “Note Verbale”) on 28 December 2018, and declarations which it deposited on 28 March 2019, 12 April 2019 and 30 October 2019 (“Declarations”), concerning the ratification by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the “United Kingdom”) of the Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance of 23 November 2007 (the “Agreement”).
Since the deposit of the Instrument of Ratification, the United Kingdom and the European Union have signed, ratified and approved a Withdrawal Agreement, which will enter into force on 1 February 2020 (the “Withdrawal Agreement”). The Withdrawal Agreement includes provisions for a transition period to start on the date the Withdrawal Agreement enters into force and end on 31 December 2020 (the “transition period”). In accordance with the Withdrawal Agreement, during the transition period, European Union law, including the Agreement, will continue to be applicable to and in the United Kingdom.
In accordance with the arrangements proposed in the Note Verbale and Declarations, the Government of the United Kingdom is therefore writing to notify the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands of its withdrawal of the Instrument of Ratification, Note Verbale and Declarations.
The United Kingdom attaches importance to the seamless continuity of the application of the Agreement to the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom therefore intends to deposit a new instrument of ratification at the appropriate time prior to the termination of the transition period.
Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy avails itself of the opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands the assurances

Verenigde Staten van Amerika


(1) In accordance with Articles 20 and 62 of the Convention, the United States of America makes a reservation that it will not recognize or enforce maintenance obligation decisions rendered on the jurisdictional bases set forth in subparagraphs 1(c), 1(e), and 1(f) of Article 20 of the Convention.
(2) In accordance with Articles 44 and 62 of the Convention, the United States of America makes a reservation that it objects to the use of the French language in communications between the Central Authority of any other Contracting State and the Central Authority of the United States of America.
The United States is not a party to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and understands that a mention of the Convention in the preamble of this Treaty does not create any obligations and does not affect or enhance the status of the Convention as a matter of the United States or international law.
The United States of America declares, in accordance with Articles 61 and 63 of the Convention, that for the United States of America the Convention shall extend only to the following: all 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

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